Proved & Effective, Rejuvenation without Risk

SU-O1.- In the abundance of options in rejuvenating products and clinical procedures in the fountain of youth, there is a pile of lawsuits against the traditional plastic surgery and invasive treatments that some people put them self in a life threat looking for youth and healthy appearance.

Interview Dr. Madariaga in year 2000

 One treatment that has been applied for a long time in Europe and USA with long-lasting results for men and women is YOUNGER FACE an external 9 days therapy that produce results of the best facelift without  side effect or life threat risk, it doesn’t require any medications earlier, during or after.
Even though YOUNGER FACE  has been available to a hundreds of people in this millennium after all the terrible consequences with the use of so many synthetics inside of the body; regimens like YOUNGER FACE is from far the best option to look  younger and solve other skin face problems.

Dr. Lucy Madariaga

 The creator of this non invasive successful therapy is Dr. Lucy Madariaga an expert in Medical Aesthetics for more than 40 years, she has participated in bio-chemical cosmetics research teams for the development of products and special techniques for the firming of the skin tissues, lymphatic drainage to aid asphyxiated skins, various treatments to prevent the aging process of the skin and her unique and exclusive non-surgical rejuvenation treatment YOUNGER FACE  that in only 9 days it recovers the signs of skin aging without risks or secondary side effects.

"Younger Face" solve skin face problems

Dr. Lucy Madariaga is offering her experience and knowledge to interested doctors and professionals of the skin industry who want to incorporate exclusive methods of skin rejuvenation at their practices and gives conferences to private clientele in reference to non-invasive methods to tonify and revitalize the skin without surgical procedures.
Her most recent specialization, working with Quantum energy to reduce stress, pain control without medications in just few minutes and anti-aging of the face in just few days.
During her carrier, Dr. Lucy Madariaga has given lectures and courses in Aesthetics, Dermo-cosmetics, anatomy, physiology and kinesiology. She was the assistant of doctor Nestor J. Madariaga, M.D. in the cellular revitalization research project performed in laboratories of Spain, Switzerland and Romania.
Dr. Lucy Madariaga has contributed to the development of different types of peelings to exfoliate the corneous layer of the skin without invasive products.  Between a lot of diplomas and recognitions that Dr. Lucy Madariaga have accomplished during her professional work, she received the Cartier Award given to her for the contribution to the International Beauty Industry through her exclusive YOUNGER Face treatment for the rejuvenation of the skin without surgery.

A treatment for male & Female

Dr. Lucy Madariaga is licensed by the Professional Regulation Department of the State of Florida and by the Spanish Society of Aesthetic Medicine in Spain.
Also Madariaga is a member of the Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine, Quantum Academy, National Association of Biofeedback Specialists, Medical Spa Institute, Innosearch, Academy of International Therapists for Cosmetic treatments and many more.
During the last 40 years Dr. Lucy Madariaga have treated many world-wide celebrities, including movie and television stars; always delivering good results which gives her a great satisfaction.  Her services are affordable to all types of budgets and her treatments can be done to clients that work under a lot of sun exposure without complications. 

In 9 Days dramatic results

 She has the experience to resolve any irregularity of the skin. Since late 1967 at her New Life Clinic & Spa of Miami Beach, she has changed the quality of life of many of her clients, as well as in sister-clinics located in Europe and South America.
You can see testimonials and results across the years at

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant 
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau 
twitter: @RosanaSGM.

3 thoughts on “Proved & Effective, Rejuvenation without Risk

  1. F. Barnes says:

    I would love any more info you may have on this! Do you know anyone who did the treatment?
    I would really like to speak to them. Thanks!

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