US National Aeronautic Space Administration

SU-O1  May 2012.-( Photos Courtesy NASA)
Last year it was scandal when President Obama decide to interrupt the NASA Shuttle program STS (Space Transportation System) due uncontrolled spending which went far away from  the original budget established in 1981, when NASA had estimated that the program would cost $7.45 billion ($43 billion in 2011 dollars, adjusting for inflation) but the real price went orbital when the Per-launch costs can be measured by dividing the total cost over the life of the program (including buildings, facilities, training, salaries, etc.) by the number of launches.
With 134 missions, and the total cost of US$192 billion (in 2010 dollars), this gives approximately $1.5 billion per launch over the life of one of the most extraordinary and valuable NASA program.

Shuttle Program 1981-2011
Space Transportation System

Then because of the great accomplishments and remarkable contributions the STS Shuttle did also as the only one Space Transportation till now, for more at least of 5 scientists at once, without consider the expenses, media spread the word that NASA will close or even disappear.
Commercial TV networks and general media still don’t get to know what NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) is really about..


Within 15 locations between facilities, laboratories and Space Centers available to visitors; the leader in Space exploration in the world NASA is a scientific research institution about uncountable  sectors such as:  Aeronautics: pioneers and creators of new flight technologies that improve the ability to explore the space, which also have practical applications on commercial air transportation.

NASA’s Solar System

Human Exploration and Operations are focuses in the International Space Station beyond low Earth orbit.
In Science: explores the Earth, Solar System and the universe beyond; and reaps the benefits on Earth and space exploration for society.In the early 21st century, NASA reach spans the universe.

NASA’s Robotic
Discovery on Mars

The Mars Exploration Rover is still studying the red planet after the arrival of its twin Spirit in 2004. Cassini is another spacecraft in orbit around Saturn, and planned to get back in earth on 2017 and the same Juno makes its way to Jupiter.

NASA Hubble
Powerful tool

The restored and most powerful Space Telescope Hubble in the Universe continues to explore the deepest reaches of the cosmos.

NASA Latest image of
International Space Station

With the building and amplified International Space Station, NASA is extending the permanent human presence in space; at this day  the ISS is fully staffed with a crew of six scientists, and American astronauts will continue to live and work in space 24 hours in the 365 days a year.


NASA’s International
Space Station P.A.

Part of the U.S. portion of the station has been designated as a national laboratory, and NASA is committed to using this unique resource for scientific research.

NASA’s Satelites

Earth Science satellites are sending back unprecedented data on Earth’s oceans, climate and other features that are helping us in our daily basis.


NASA’s Satelites help
Prevent disasters

NASA’s aeronautics team is working with other government organizations, universities, and industry to fundamentally improve the air transportation, experience and retain USA leadership in global aviation.

NASA Searching
for better ways to fligh

The end of the Space Shuttle Program never meant the end of NASA or even of NASA sending humans into space. NASA has a robust program of exploration, technology development and scientific research that will last for years to come.


Aquanauts ready to be
Astronauts in NEEMO

Right now NASA finest teams are getting ready for extreme training in the deep Ocean in Florida. NASA Extreme Environment Mission Operations (NEEMO) missions will continue on June 11, 2012.

NASA Extreme Enviroment Mission Operation

It will build on lessons learned from 2011’s NEEMO 15 mission and test innovative solutions to engineering challenges allowing astronauts in the exploration on asteroids.

Exploration in Asteroids

Moreover NASA is designing and building the capabilities to send humans to explore the Solar System, NASA teams are working toward a goal of set humans to discover form insight the red planet.

Pair a Pair
with NASA

In the process of modernization NASA includes commercial companies who are in the same page of scientific research and pass the same levels of commitment, this private companies are well on their way to providing cargo and crew flights to the ISS, as is happening today with “SpaceX”  the first private vehicle that transport  their “Dagon”.

Space X & NASA

A capsule of provisions to the International Space Station allowing NASA to focus its attention on the next steps into our Solar System.

NASA Scientist
working in progress

Meanwhile NASA is researching ways to design and build aircraft that are safer, more fuel-efficient, quieter, and environmentally responsible.
NASA is conducting an unprecedented array of science missions that will seek more knowledge and understanding of Earth, the Solar System and the Universe.

New value usefull data
about our Solar System

And in the process humans gets a great deal of benefits of it, such: Satellite communications that allow us to get in touch with amazing personal devices around the world.

Sunglasses as result of
the advance helmet protection
for Astronauts

Even the vain sunglasses are result of the UVA protection sophisticated glasses technology used by the Astronauts helmets and now that creation works in our benefit and protection to our health.
NASA develops every day amazing technology to help improve everything from better household fans to stronger ceramics for dentistry.

Never on Sale
nor close

Now you know NASA never was nor will be on sale…

Latest Launched in

NASA is on Fire!
NASA it is rejuvenating with new strategic to include the private sector and still hiring fine, healthy, disciplined, genius in so many areas of expertise, people who can live the high standard of knowledge, integrity to become a team player with the best people in the world and to keep the goal of be part of the leadership in the exploration of the Universe for the benefits of  humanity.

NASA Finest, healthy
minds and people in
the world

As result, NASA’s technologies work for everybody here on Earth, is solving everyday problems, saving lives, creating jobs and making a better existence in the planet.

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant.
: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.

“Los Yates que los Hispanos Prefieren”

SU-O1.- Graphic Reporters ( Gabriel Bancora / Said Bazze ) –
Los Yates son para norteamericanos y europeos la culminación del éxito financiero; no así para los latinoamericanos con marinas de importante capacidad para súper yates en lugares como: La Florida en los Estados Unidos, Cancún en México, Flamenco en Panamá, Santa Marta en Colombia, Los Roques en Venezuela, Papagayo en Costa Rica y en Rio de Janeiro Brasil por mencionar algunas de las más famosas.  

Practicality, Comfort & Elegance in the Ocean

Para los latinoamericanos tener un yate es parte de su deporte ó la casa en el mar a donde pueden escaparse a destinos exóticos, sin tener que empacar en cada paradisiaco lugar que elijan y disfrutar de la comodidad de todos los servicios del hogar con el privilegio de la privacidad y exclusividad que un yate proporciona.
3 son las compañías favoritas de los hispanos en Latinoamérica.   
Las TOP 3  son las que tienen del 50 al 70 por ciento, clientes hispanos entre empresarios y celebridades en el mundo de los deportes y el entretenimiento.

Feel The Ride, Live The Legend

El top 1 para los deportistas acuáticos en la pesca de los 3 elegidos por los hispanos sin duda es Bertram, la compañía Norteamericana que practica el  eslogan
  “siente la aventura y vive la leyenda”.  
Bertram llega a los 50 años construyendo yates de pesca produciendo en un 60 % yates para hispanos alrededor del mundo, la perfecta combinación en el diseño de sus exteriores con increíble capacidad de almacenamiento, sin alterar la comodidad de sus interiores son un placer que  estrellas como Magglio Ordoñez de los Detroit Tigers disfruta en su Betram.

Magglio Ordoñez prefer BERTRAM

Bertram también complace el gusto de parejas que han sido fieles clientes de esta empresa y el sector femenino confía en la estabilidad y seguridad de poseer uno de estos yates y/o compartir con el sector masculino que disfruta la aventura de la pesca oceánica en los inigualables yates de Bertram.

BETRAM 64 made in Miami


Y es precisamente por ello que cada día son más mujeres aventureras las interesadas en poseer un Bertram, que la empresa diseño para el 2011 un nuevo modelo más estilizado y con todas las innovaciones tecnológicas y cibernéticas disponibles en el Bertram“64” a la vista en todas las ferias de yates en la Florida.

LAZZARA, made in USA

Otra compañía en el top 3 para los hispanos sin duda es la exclusiva Lazzara Yachts; una empresa familiar Norteamericana fundada hace más de 50 años por Vincent Lazzara.  

Oscar de la Hoya enjoys Lazzara

El estilo lineal único y las innovaciones como las ventanas que pueden ser transparentes u opacas con solo tocar un switch ó los balcones en las recamaras a nivel del agua, ha sido motivo para que venezolanos, colombianos, y personalidades como Oscar de la Hoya, elijan a “couture” sus lujosas mansiones flotantes de Lazzara.

In order, Exotic Lazzara 64

La formula Lazzara es crear nuevos modelos cada año para complacer el gusto exigente de sus clientes y en 2011 Lazzara ha presentado en las ferias de yates la nueva línea “Lazzara 64” disponibles para sus potenciales dueños en las Marinas de Ft. Lauderdale.

SANLORENZO from Italy conquer Americas

Sanlorenzo  la compañía Italiana, es otra elegidas en el top 3 porque  ha fascinado en las ferias de yates a varios ejecutivos y familias mexicanas con modelos como el SF90 y SD92 ambos tienen una especial distribución en el espacio de los interiores con materiales nobles y productos de marcas como Ralph Lauren y Hermes entre otros famosos diseñadores.

Sanlorenzo 92 in American Continent

De tal forma que Sanlorenzo estableció la división de Sanlorenzo Américas en Ft. Lauderdale, en el 2011.

En la próxima edición, Líderes en la industria de los Yates.

Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo
Journalist & Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau
twitter: @RosanaSGM

NASA, the best of humanity through science and technology.

SU-O1.-  Meanwhile politicians and extremist are fighting getting the media attention in their twisted violent way to make this world a better place to live; there are thousands of fine people working in all areas in the Facilities, Space CentersResearch Institutes, Flight Research, Laboratories among Visitor Centers in the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)     

NASA Apollo 11, 1st Moon landing 41 years ago


Where  from high rank scientist to intern- assistants are giving their best, with the best interest in mind,  getting as result of their efforts great benefits for the entire humanity.
From all over the world scientist, engineers, doctors, technicians, operators, move in synchronicity even though it looks like everybody is in their own world, the great respect and self-sufficiency over delegated task between all this responsible people who thrust and surrounded at one point in the team partner, works  wonderful when they all get together and !VOALA! Things get done with an excellent time frame and precision.     

In a Decade NASA the Eagle landed


The natural quality of team work surface with amazing results, this grounded humans beings are able to go out of the space and even touch other planets, explore other galaxies, and the same time develop technology to create products  we use and take for granted in our daily basis, such: Invisible braces, cell phones, disposable diapers, power tools, laptop computers, improved running shoes, and many more items, as result of the technology this great inventors are capable to create in their way to put the humanity in another level of knowledge and exploration.      

NASA Test Laboratories


 Is very exiting watch launching and landing of huge space vehicles going back and forth from the space, but is not less amazing to see how these great flights can be possible.
Mesmerizing is the entire process to see how this creative human beings materialize dreams or fiction stories in the last century.      

NASA Centers & Facilities in USA


 But to make possible this incredible achievements and to reproduce the same conditions that are in the space this scientist face a great challenge to go against nature Physical Laws that rule in our planet, to train the more courageous people capable to develop a high level in knowledge in science and technology and at the same time in their physical capabilities to the extreme and keep themselves in such humble and valuable behavior.      

NASA Engineers,made from Space Rockets to Diapers


The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Agency host practically the best and smarter people in the world working in 10 Centers and 6 Facilities from East to West and North to South in the Country, on Propulsion Laboratory, Space Flight Centers, Research Facilities, and with the benefit to all civilians who are curious about this amazing discoveries and human grow, to go to any of the Visitor Centers located in : California, Texas, Alabama, Virginia, Ohio, New Mexico, Mississippi, West Virginia, D.C. and  Florida with museums amusements parks, lectures with these master heroes  and even try simulators as taste of what all this genius are capable to get into.      

NASA Training, Knowledge and Resistance


 To become an Astronaut is a career that takes, discipline, commitment,  talent, knowledge, persistence and great health as result of self-respect life style, in which passion, temper, physical and mental resistance are tested to a high levels.      

NASA Neutral Buoyancy Lab. pool plan


One of the most extraordinary processes on the training for an astronaut is in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory, (NBL) which is the most fascinating reproduction of the conditions that are in the space using water. In the Sonny Carter Training Facility, is a monumental pool where all engineers, scientist and technicians who are part of       

NASA 1998 Space Shuttle Mission started


 IST International Space Station have been trained to assemble in the Low Earth Orbit, since the IST began in November 1998 as the first International Satellite Research Laboratory where personnel from all countries involved participate. This International Satellite Laboratory has as primary fields on examination: Human Research, Space Medicine, Life Sciences, Physical Sciences, Meteorology and Astronomy.      

Massive training pool at the NASA Neutral Bouyancy Hubble mockup


Practically this incredible space floating engineering, construction and space architecture has been build assembly in parts by the Space Shuttle team. (Coming from another NASA Center develop in Aeronautics)
The three node modules has been carried in parts by the STS (Space Transportation System ) the current human space flight  with the  Space Shuttle Program which had 5 vehicles: 3 inactive already: Challenger + ( 01-28-1986), Columbia +(01-16-2003), Atlantis retired ( 05-14-2010) and 2 on their last missions : Discovery scheduled into last Space Flight to carried Mission STS 133 targeted for November first, for 11 days where the crew will assemble the Permanent Multipurpose Module (PMM)  and Endeavour schedule to its last Space flight on February 24, 2011.       

NASa, EVA training in the NBL


At this moment team of astronauts are practically practicing  submerged in the Neutral Buoyancy Laboratory which is the replica of the International Space Station under 40 feet deep pool that holds 6.2 ,million gallons ( 22.7 million liters) of water which is recycle every 19.5 hours.      

NASA Experts Life support


The training in this Laboratory is far from relaxed this is one of the most extreme process to be tested for Astronauts who are selected  in the EVA (Extra Vehicular Activity part of the Mobility Unit) the first, challenge is rely their lives literally on their team as life support, because it’s impossible for oneself get into the heavy  Space Suit of 120 lb and then get immerse in that pool.      



NASA Sophisticated Space life-support suit


Walk, be able to move and perform under the water and achieve all the task with the tools they have to maneuver under the semi rigid garment that will provide 7 hours life support.This sophisticated suit will control: pressure, temperature, oxygen circulation, carbon dioxide vacuum, humidity control, protection for radiation among other vital conditions and functions, to allow the survival of a person, but at the same time give them enough freedom to perform assembly in the out space.      

NASA,NBL work day


A training like these start every day from 5:30 with Critical System Startup, (ECS, BGS)  running to a test team 50 personnel check list, physical training lap swimming, suit and toll delivery to tank, Astronaut Test Conductor, pre-drive briefing, Suit Donning, Immersion initial weigh-out, transitions, test procedures.      

NASA Scuba-Diving Expert Team


Everything with rotation of Dive Teams in a settle time frame to end at 11:00 pm.
Every day  training is ongoing and they keep their attitude intact, hard as it can be just to walk and breath under the water this smart humans have to perform complicated task such use tools to set small screws, hold pieces and keep building the rest of the Space Station in conditions pretty similar out of the Earth’s gravity.      

NASA NBL observing Astronaut training


NASA , EVA training at NBL


Certainly during all this process other experts out of the water are working with the Astronauts as well performing their part in this amazing performance:  The Medical Team for starts are on call with physicians, paramedics, surgeons 12 physiologic personnel, Human Support Group who are on duty during the training  ready if need it with a full equipped Hyperbaric Chamber.      

NASA NBL Hyperbaric ChamberNASA Medical Supports


Full communication systems are on functions among suited Astronauts, topside trainers, facility test coordinators with the flight control team within Johnson Space Center Mission and the reminder of the shuttle crew not performing the (EVA) at the On-site Shuttle Mission Simulator.      

NASA NBL EVA team training


A series of underwater speakers allows one way communication to the support divers, even though the dual capability is in development. So far the STS has been performing at its 90% of the projected expectations mission and even the Program assembly is coming to an end for 2011.    

NASA NBL Int. Space Station Rep.


NASA continues bringing amazing benefits to the humanity in knowledge and understanding the planet we are living  and plus the entire technology is developing in Aeronautics, Robotics, Cybernetic, Automotive that apply in all appliances we’re enjoy in our daily activities.  

NASA The best for the BEST


And just by the record NASA remains One of the Federal Government’s Best Places to Work accordingly to a survey made  a year ago (7.24.09) Based on responses from more than 212,000 federal employees last year, NASA’s workforce continues to score well and the agency is ranked third among large federal agencies as a best place to work.   

NASA Research Center, Facilities & Visitor Centers


The rankings also reveal that NASA ranked second among all federal agencies in the categories of Effective Leadership, Teamwork and Support for Diversity, as well as other areas.    

NASA,Kennedy Space Center


And the fact is in NASA are the best people with the best intentions, grounded full of knowledge and willing to keep learning and exploring here and there to bring us a better way to live.      

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant 
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau 
twitter: @RosanaSGM.