Anymore a sweet docile Princess in Pixar/Disney movie, but “BRAVE”

1st Pixar Princess

SU-O1 (Pictures from Pixar/Disney).-  Since November 2011 when the first teaser of BRAVE was release about the New Princesses Era in Disney, Pixar hit the pot again longing the expectancy about their first  Princess fate.

Kelly Macdonald
Princess Merida

They are breaking on tradition because Princess Merida curse won’t be broke by any means Prince Charming true love over the spell, but the twist is when Merida finds herself setting her own malediction affecting her mother and brothers. So when she realizes the consequences of her erratic behavior, she starts the fight to break it not without the domino effect over her own family.

Emma Thompson
Queen Elinor

A difference of the previous Princesses’ Stories well care without any subtle insinuations, BRAVE content, is refine but Pixar & Disney  allow themselves to go for and unusual situations of the American’s spicy humor for the 17 Century during flourish Scottish Archery time when the movie is suited.
 Also this is the first time Pixar feature a heroine but also she is hardheaded energetic teenage who takes charge her own destiny and confronts with courage the consequences of her unfitted princess behavior and find the way to mend her mistakes showing some true bravery to save her kingdom and bounding with her mother as team.

Julie Walters
The Wise Woman

The movie is inspired by the Scottish folklore tradition, moreover “BRAVE: One Perfect Day” hardback book by Steve Purcell is coming along the movie, giving the thumbs up.
 First class actresses along excellent balance of male figures give their voice to these valiant characters: Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Billy Connolly, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, Robbie Coltrane, John Ratzenberger.

“Brave” the book

BRAVE is Directed by Mark Andrews and Brenda Chapman and Produced by Katherine Sarafian. Pixar/Disney are setting high standards in content and animation “BRAVE” is an ancient excellent fun story tale, in amazing scenery, with current teen’s issues that will give subtle guidelines to mothers and daughters of this generation.

                     BRAVE is on Theaters June 22



Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
 twitter: @RosanaSGM

The Universal movie “TED” broke the innocent Teddy-bear dream

A very peculiar

SU-O1 (Pictures by H&H Communications L.A.) “The lovely Teddy Bear each kid had; comes alive along each little one’s imagination”. It was a great statement for Director Seth MacFarlane, creator of adult comic sitcom “Family Guy”: when he decides to bring that idea to the adulthood of TED’s owner John Bennett (Mark Wahlberg) a perfectly normal Boston native whose childhood wish for his teddy bear to come to life comes true.

A wish come true

The bear, TED (voiced by director Seth MacFarlane) remains Marks best friend into his adult years. The trouble emerges when TED’s irresponsible and obscenity slacker lifestyle comes in the way of Mark’s attempt to embrace his own maturity and his love-interest, for Lori (Mila Kunis)… As expected, the hilarious part of the movie comes alive with the excess of swearing and explicit distasteful situations presented as comedy. However the exposure of “TED”s personality matches a thousand of frenzy guys out there, so many will recognize themselves in that bulky obnoxious stuffed character, that will give them a reality check.

TED like so many guys

TED’s producers John Jacobs, Scott Stuber, Seth MacFarlane, Wellesley Wild, and Jason Clark owns credit whit their challenge to direct an animated character interacting with human actor’s that has been done before masterfully and that challenge is where the real comedy is on the film.

TED is on theaters on June 26.

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM

En la película de Universal “ TED” se rompe el encanto del Osito de Peluche

Un Osito de peluche
muy peculiar

SU-O1 (Fotos cortesía de H & H Comunicaciones LA) “El encantador osito de peluche que cada niño tiene y que cobra vida cuando los niños dejan volar la imaginación” A sido la máxima para que el Director Seth MacFarlane, creador de “Family Guy” la serie de caricaturas y comedia para adultos: decidiera llevar esa idea de un Osito de Peluche TED en la edad adulta de su dueño John Bennett,(Mark Wahlberg)  un Bostoniano perfectamente normal en cuya infancia deseo que su osito tuviera vida y se hiso realidad.

A wish come true

El oso, TED (voz por el director Seth MacFarlane) sigue siendo su mejor amigo  y crece con Mark hasta su vida  adulta. El problema surge cuando el estilo de vida irresponsable del holgazán y la obscenidad de TED  representa un obstáculo en el camino de Mark para alcanzar su propia madurez y el amor de Lori (Mila Kunis) … Como era de esperarse, parte de la diversión en la película cobra vida con el exceso de insultos y explícitas situaciones desagradables que se convierten en comedia. No obstante TED expone un prototipo de personalidad que coincide con un alto porcentaje  en los hombres de este tiempo, por lo que muchos se reconocen en ese inmaduro y voluminoso carácter del oso de peluche, que los confronta con esa realidad.

TED like so many guys

Los productores de TED, John Jacobs, Scott Stuber, Seth MacFarlane, Wild Wellesley y Jason Clark, También merecen el crédito de asumir el reto de dirigir un personaje animado interactuando con actores reales  que otros han hecho magistralmente y es ahí donde esta lo divertido en la comedia.
TED se estrena en los cines el 26 de junio.

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM

No es dócil la nueva Princesa del nuevo film Pixar/Disney “BRAVE”

1st Pixar Princess

SU-O1 (Fotos Pixar / Disney) -. Desde noviembre 2011,  que fue revelado el primer teaser de la película “BRAVE” en la Nueva Era de las Princesas de Disney; Pixar supera las expectativas sobre el destino de su primera heroína. Rompiendo la tradición en la que la maldición de la princesa no será destruida con el típico beso de amor, del encantador Príncipe.

Kelly Macdonald
Princess Merida

BRAVE da un giro completo cuando la Princesa Mérida es la que invoca su propio embrujo afectando a su madre la reina y a sus hermanos. Así que cuando se da cuenta de las consecuencias de su comportamiento errático, la aventura comienza y Mérida tiene que luchar por romper el hechizo, no sin el efecto dominó que afectara a todos los miembros de su familia.

Emma Thompson
Queen Elinor

A diferencia de las historias previas sobre as princesas y el cuidado esmerado de Disney para evitar ningún tipo de insinuaciones, el contenido de BRAVE es perfecto, pero Pixar y Disney,  permiten por primera vez inusuales situaciones de humor americano picante muy avanzado para el siglo 17 en que se sitúa la película durante el florecimiento de la Arquería en Escocia.

Julie Walters
The Wise Woman

En BRAVE Pixar no solo presenta su primera heroína y como tal a una princesa adolecente testaruda llena de energía, que se responsabiliza de su propio destino y enfrenta con valentía las consecuencias de su comportamiento inusual en una princesa. Merida encuentra la manera de enmendar sus errores y con verdadero coraje salva a su reino, mismo que se fortalece cuando entiende el equipo inseparable que tiene con su madre. BRAVE es una película inspirada en la tradición del folclore escocés y adicional a la premier, sale a la venta el libro “Brave: A Perfect Day One” de Steve Purcell.

“Brave” the book

El reparto, de actrices de primera clase y con un excelente equilibrio de las figuras masculinas que dan su voz a estos valientes personajes son: Kelly Macdonald, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters, Billy Connolly, Kevin McKidd, Craig Ferguson, Robbie Coltrane y John Ratzenberger. BRAVE está dirigida por Mark Andrews y Brenda Chapman; producido por Katherine Sarafian.
Pixar/Disney está estableciendo altos estándares en contenido y animación. “BRAVE” es una excelente y divertida historia antigua con hermosos paisajes, que presenta problemas de adolescentes y dará pautas sutiles a las madres e hijas de esta generación.
“BRAVE” estrena el 22 de junio.
Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM

First Symposium over the “Future of the Spanish”… JUST IN MIAMI !

1st Coloquio

SU-O1. – June 2012 (Photo Courtesy of Sinergia & Adriana Bianco OAS) The capital of the Americas, as been named of Miami City, in the U. S. and at the most symbolic building of the Cuban Exile, “The Tower of Freedom” it was held the first Ibero-American Symposium to study “The Future of Spanish” language specialists and authorities in all Spanish-speaking countries, met to discuss among other things, whether the rapid growth of the personal tools with which we globally connect,  the grammar of the language would be modified.

Arturo Morell

The Center for Literature and Theatre at Miami Dade College and the General Secretariat (SEGIB), headquartered in Spain with Synergy Consulting Company, convened diplomats, academics, cultural and education officials, to discuss the impact of Spanish in social, political and economic.
In different sessions scholars of language as: Fernando Zapata, Director of CERLALC (Regional Centre for Book Development in Latin America and the Caribbean) of UNESCO; Ms. Camino Brasa, Director of the Festival of Ñ in Madrid Spain; (Eminence) Gerardo Pina Rosales, President of the American Academy of Language; Consuelo Sáizar, President of the National Council for Culture and the Arts of Mexico (CONACULTA);

9 Consulados hispanoparlantes
huespedes en la recepción

Enrique Vargas Flores, deputy director of cultural affairs for the General Secretariat (SEGIB); Manuel Velasco , National Library of the Ministry of Culture of El Salvador; Carlos Alberto Villagra, Minister-Executive Secretary and Thaddeus Zarratea, Investigator, both of the Language Policy Secretariat of Paraguay.

Dr. Eduardo J. Padron
Pte. Miami Dade College

The opening night was a delight in the flavors, music and customs of 9 Latin American countries represented by their consulates and the hosts to welcome at the reception was by the President’s “Miami Dade College” Dr. Eduardo J. Padrón and Mayor City of Miami Mr. Tomas Regalado.

Miami City Mayor
Sr. Tomas Regalado

In two days and after the Conference: “The homeland of the Ñ” the experts discussed the issues at different tables, “The Spanish language in diplomacy,” The future of the Spanish language through public policies “and” The expansive effect the Spanish language”

Expertos en lingüística &
Rep. Discovery Networks

Since the growing digital media quickly and effectively communicate through symbols, this conference sets a precedent to consider the purity and demand to keep the grammar rules that have made the writing of Spanish an art that represents awards with spectacular financial benefits as “Nobel Prize” which it claims a perfect Spanish writing.

2 Dias con expertos y representantes
diplomaticos del mundo hispano

Spanish as spoken language is second in the world because the number of countries that use it, yet the dialects of each nation represented a challenge to communicate with each other, by the phenomenon using the same words but are given different meaning depending on the country.
Regardless of the conclusions that were reached in this first symposium and which include further academic events like this one. In particular the fact this event happened in Miami is an strategic key, for the diversity of Spanish-speaking immigrants living in a country that has allowed Hispanic minorities maintain their traditions, develop business and national media companies to communicate in their own language, a phenomenon that happens in any other country in the world than USA but… Just in Miami!

Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM