The young POWER COUPLE in the world.

Adam & Eva
1st Power Couple

May 2012 Photos: Facebook / Allyson Magda Photography
SU-O1. – In the history of humanity the POWER couple’s has been proved and justified through the centuries. In the creation in the Bible, Adam and Eve had the power to populate the world. There is plenty written evidence that tribes and kingdoms sacrificed “love” to strengthen partnerships POWER of nations in marriage …

Zurckerber & Chan
9 years together

In any case there is nothing extraordinary to see the natural result of heterosexual couples who are naturally attracted to start a family because they share the same values and goals in life … To understand and live in that position is POWERFUL….

Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg

So in an unbroken chain of successes, the self-made youngest world billionaire” Mark Zuckerberg got married with his longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan after a relationship of 9 years.

Priscilla & Mark

This young couple has not only shared the labors of hard work and harvest the benefits of their admirable discipline of working together on a life time project, but stand firm in their relationship and make themselves permeate to any invasion within and outside their circle, in the way nobody couldn’t break the POWER of that affiliation.

Chan & Zuckerberg
working together

In a private event with less than 100 guests who would come to celebrate “the recent Pricilla’s graduation as Doctor” and also congratulate Chan’s boyfriend Mark on his recent strategy to bring his company in the stock market; friends and relatives of the couple were surprised to witness a wedding not announced, the official union in which Chan and Zuckerberg become THE POWER COUPLE.

Sister of the groom
Randi Zuckerberg

On Saturday night at their Facebook page Mark and Priscilla changed their profile status from single to married with … And as soon as the official photographer Allyson M. had the authority to publish photos to the news-agencies, on Sunday afternoon in May 20, 2012 Zuckerberg and Chan already had their wedding picture in their profile.

Priscilla & Mark

The electronic media and prestigious financial publications columnists, began to speculate about the real reason why after 9 years of dating Chan and Zuckerberg got married, taxes benefits by entering the stock market, was one of their assumptions, however and although scandal, about that possibility every share got a minimum increase of 23 cents to closed the first day in the stock market.

Free style, living with integrity
Mark Zuckerberg

Regardless of speculation, the fact that Mark Zuckerberg shows admirable maturity represents a precedent and an example for many generations of men who have failed to understand the power of teaming with a partner. In his informal lifestyle Zuckerberg shows that he still can be responsible, assertive, effective and efficient without following patterns or stereotypes in his way to dress live or act; Zuckerberg responds more to values of loyalty, faithfulness, commitment and love.

Zuckerberg the Power
of Commitment

In the same way as the visionary Zuckerberg took a college project to a worldwide media empire; Zuckerber and Chan, have openly shared the secret of their success in their Facebook profiles, photos showing cooperation, team work, integration and fun, while at the same time Chan-Zuckerber and created a wall of protection to concentrate themselves in a common goal,

Zuckerberg pasion
for all he loves

and together they have become further than anyone could predict and many outside their circle cannot understand or enjoy the POWER that gives pleasure of teams with a person who understands, and share a life plan that is fully satisfactory for both.

Sharing POWER
Mark & Prisicilla

With the official union Zuckerberg and Chan top the list as the younger POWER Couple in the world and in the category of billionaires who have revolutionized communications in cyber technology next to Bill and Melinda Gates, Steve + and Laurence Jobs, Larry and Lucy Page, Sergey and Anne Brin, to name the best known.

Melinda & Bill Gates
Great Power Couple

Along with sharing the billionaire success, Marck and Priscilla as Bill and Melinda Gates, are real philanthropic activists who generously donate some of their capital and their time in contributing to effective changes in humanity; POWER COUPLES in the generation’s of technology is dominating and establishing natural patterns of coexistence and harmony in the world.

A playful generous young

Congratulations, Blessings and wishes of many more successes for this young, successful POWER COUPLE. Zuckerberg –Chan.





Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM.

La PAREJA de PODER, más joven en el mundo.

Adam & Eva
1st Power Couple

May 2012, Fotos: Facebook/Allyson Magda Photography/
SU-O1.- En la historia de la humanidad el PODER de la pareja ha sido probado y justificando a través de los siglos. En la creación en la biblia Adán y Eva, tuvieron el PODER de poblar al mundo. Hay testimonio escrito que tribus y reinados sacrificaron el “amor” para fortalecer PODER de naciones en asociaciones matrimoniales…

Zurckerber & Chan
9 years together

En todo caso no hay nada más extraordinario que ver el resultado natural de parejas heterosexuales que naturalmente se atraen para formar una familia porque comparten los mismos valores y metas en la vida… Entender y vivir en esa posición es tener PODER….

Facebook CEO
Mark Zuckerberg

Así en una cadena continua de éxitos cosechados, el que por mérito propio se hiciera “El billonario más joven del mundo” Mark Zuckerberg se unió en matrimonio con su novia Priscilla Chan después de una larga relación de 9 años.

Priscilla & Mark

Esta joven pareja no solo ha compartido los desvelos del arduo trabajo y los beneficios en la cosecha, de su admirable disciplina de trabajar juntos en un proyecto de vida, manteniéndose firmes en su relación y lograr permearse de la invasión dentro y fuera de su círculo que pudiera romper el PODER de esa afiliación.

Chan & Zuckerberg
working together

En una privada reunión y con menos de 100 invitados que acudieran a celebrar a la recién graduada de medicina Priscilla Chan y de paso felicitar a su novio Mark por su reciente estrategia de entrar a la bolsa de valores; los amigos y familiares de la pareja se encontraron con la sorpresa de ser testigos de una boda no anunciada, la unión oficial en la que Zuckerberg y Chan se  convertian en una pareja de PODER.

Sister of the groom
Randi Zuckerberg

El mismo sábado por la noche en su página de Facebook Mark y Pricilla cambiaron  en su perfil de Facebook su status de Solter@ a Casad@ con… Y tan pronto la fotógrafa oficial Allyson M. tuviera la autorización para  publicar las fotos a las agencias de Información, el domingo 20 de mayo del 2012 por la tarde Zuckerberg y Chan ya tenían la foto de su boda en su perfil.

Priscilla & Mark

Los medios electrónicos la publicaron y columnistas de prestigiosas publicaciones financieras empezaron a especular sobre la auténtica razón por la que después de 9 años de noviazgo Zuckerberg y Chan se unieran, los beneficios arancelarios por la entraba a la bolsa de valores, que a pesar de tanto escándalo, cada acción obtuvo solo un aumento mínimo de 23 centavos al cierre de la bolsa.

Free style, living with integrity
Mark Zuckerberg

Independientemente de las especulaciones, es un hecho que la admirable madurez de Mark Zuckerberg, representa un antecedente y un ejemplo para muchas generaciones de hombres que no han logrado entender el PODER  de hacer equipo en pareja.

Zuckerberg the Power
of Commitment

En su estilo informal de asumir la vida y demostrar que se puede ser responsable, asertivo, eficaz y eficiente sin seguir patrones ó estereotipos ni en el vestir, vivir ó actuar; Zuckerberg responde a valores de lealtad, fidelidad, compromiso y amor.

Zuckerberg pasion
for all he loves

De la misma forma que el visionario Zuckerberg llevara un proyecto inicialmente universitario a un emporio de comunicación que integra al mundo;  Zuckerberg y Chan, han compartido abiertamente el secreto de su éxito en sus perfiles de Facebook, fotos que muestran colaboración y equipo, integración y  diversión; a la vez Zuckerberg y Chan crearon una muralla de protección para concentrarse un fin común;

Sharing POWER
Mark & Prisicilla

juntos han llegado más lejos de lo que nadie pudieran predecir y que muchos fuera de su círculo no pueden entender ni disfrutaran de ese PODER que da el placer de hace equipo con una persona que entienda, comprenda y comparta un proyecto de vida plenamente satisfactorio para ambos.

Y con el matrimonio oficial Zuckerberg y Chan encabezan la lista como la pareja más joven en PODER en el mundo y en la categoría de los billonarios que han revolucionado las comunicaciones en tecnología cibernética a lado de Bill y Melinda Gates, Steve+ y Laurence Jobs,  Larry y Lucy page, Sergey y Anne Brin, por mencionar los más conocidos.

Melinda & Bill Gates
Great Power Couple

A la par de compartir el éxito billonario, Marck & Priscilla Zuckerberg como Bill y Melinda Gates son activistas filantrópicos reales que generosamente donan parte de su capital y su tiempo como contribución a efectivos cambios en la humanidad; PAREJAS EN PODER que la generación de estos genios en tecnología esta dominando y sentando patrones naturales de convivencia y armonía en el mundo.

A playful generous young

En hora buena, bendiciones y muchos éxitos más para esta joven y exitosa pareja en PODER. Zuckerberg-Chan.





Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo
twitter: @RosanaSGM.

Yucatan, a Land and Flavors of the Mayans in the 2012

SU-O1 ( Pics Internet) Few chefs and People have the knowledge about the extraordinary range and sophisticated Mexican Cusine.

Rosana Sandoval Gallardo Tasting

Rosana Sandoval Gallardo Tasting

Great chefs  from European and American countries have devoted part of their lives in Mexico exploring and learning the infinite variety of Mexican dishes, trying to summarize in few recipes the endless wealth of flavors and textures offered from each area of a country immensely rich in vegetables, fruits and spices that nature has provided to pre-Hispanic cultures that produces countless Mexican dishes …

It is estimated that each of the 29 states of Mexico, treasures more than 100 recipes originating without being repeated in any other area of the country with only natural ingredients that nature gives in each one of those 29 state.

Yucatan Mayan’s land
Yucatan tierra de Mayas

And in Miami the airline “Aeromexico” proudly sponsored “The Yucatan’s Gastronomic Week”, Yucatan is the Southeastern Peninsula of the Mexican country, which inherits the Mayan food, and with the Secretary of Tourism of Mexico and the JW Marriott in Miami, “The Yucatan’s Gastronomic Week” offered a menu for sophisticated and educated palates that can enjoy and tasting the good food of Yucatan.

Proud Sponsor

The menu included in the “Hors D’Oeuvres” Delicious TurkeySalbutes, Codzitos and Dzikilpac salsa. As Appetizer the exquisite Lemon Soup, the “Entree” a variety of traditional Yucatecans dishes as the only juicy and tender Cochinita pibil, a tasty Pavo en escabeche (special marinated turkey), and delicious juicy Lomitos (loin) Valladolid …

Yucatan Mayan’s Food Festival
Yucatan Semana Gastronomica

Dessert”: Appetizing Dulce de papaya ( between jam& jelly papaya), and a pleasant Manjablanco (variation of milk cooked)   and gourmet Neapolitan cheese (unique sweet tastefully kind of flan)…

Salbutes, Codizitos & Dzikilpac

Definitely a perfect combination of flavors textures and colors of this menu where able to transport the diners to the beautiful and tranquil Mexican state where the rich archeology, pre- Hispanic, colonial and contemporary architecture blend as the ingredients in the Mayan’s exotic cuisine, masterfully inherited by millions generations to our delight.

Yucatan tierra de Dioses Mayas
Yucatan Mayan’s Gods Land






Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM.


Rosana Sandoval G.
Maya’s Delights

SU-O1, Mayo 2012.- Poca gente conoce la enorme variedad y sofisticada gastronomía mexicana, grandes chefs de países europeos y norteamericanos han dedicado parte de sus vidas en México explorando y aprendiendo la infinita diversidad de platillos mexicanos intentando resumir en unos cuantos platillos esa riqueza interminable de sabores y texturas que ofrece cada zona de un país inmensamente rico en vegetales, frutas y condimentos que la naturaleza ha proveído a las culturas prehispánicas que han legado esa incontable cantidad de platillos mexicanos…

Rick Bayless Top Chef Master with Mexican food

Se calcula que cada uno de los 29 estados que integran la “República Mexicana”  atesora más de 100 recetas originarias sin que se repitan en ninguna otra zona del país con ingredientes naturales que solo se dan ese estado.

Proud Sponsor



Y en Miami  la aerolínea “Aeromexico”, orgullosamente patrocino “La Semana Gastronómica de Yucatan”,  el estado mexicano al Sur-Este del País que hereda la comida maya y junto con la Secretaria de Turismo de México y el Hotel JW Marriott en Miami, ofrecieron un menú sofisticado y selecto para paladares educados en la buena comida.

Yucatan Mayan’s land
Yucatan tierra de Mayas

Yucatan Mayan’s Food Festival
Yucatan Semana Gastronomica

En el menú se incluyeron en los “ Hors D’Oeuvres”: Deliciosos Salbutes de pavo, Codzitos y salsa Dzikilpac. “Appetizer”: exquisita  Sopa de Lima, como “Entree” una variedad de tradicionales platillos yucatecos como la única Cochinita Pibil, un sabrosísimo Pavo en escabeche y los riquísimos Lomitos de Valladolid… “Dessert”: Apetitoso Dulce de papaya, un placentero Manjablanco y gourmet Queso Napolitano…

Salbutes, Codizitos & Dzikilpac

Definitivamente esa perfecta combinación en sabores texturas y colores son capaces de transportar a los comensales a ese  hermoso y paradisiaco estado mexicano en donde la riqueza arqueológica, prehispánica, colonial y contemporánea se funden como los ingredientes que los mayas magistralmente heredaron por millones de generaciones para nuestro deleite.

Yucatan tierra de Dioses Mayas
Yucatan Mayan’s Gods Land


Rosana Sandoval-G. Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM.

A New Era for BERTRAM “Feel the Ride Live the Legend”, New address, More Jobs, Bigger Yacht, everything MADE in USA.

Bertram Captain and President Alton Herndon with Hans Kux

SU-O1.- May 2012.-  Last year BERTRAM made waves with the 50th Anniversary “blast from the past”celebration; even though growing was the natural upcoming for the historic USA founded brand, nobody thought they will be in the need to say good bye to Miami.

New facilities in Merritt Island Fl.
Nuevas Instalaciones en Merritt Island Fl.

The USA founded shipyard (specialize in luxury fishing yachts) was holding under the sleeve the news of a huge step in their New Era; BERTRAM is moving away from their historic operating and manufacturing operation site in the hearth of Miami.

BERTRAM’s Press conference in New Home
Conferencia de Prensa en la Casa Nueva de BERTRAM

The move responds to 2 mayor factors: the new luxury development in the surrounding area near by the Miami International airport where BETRAM has been operating for 50 years and the demand for larger yachts witch where almost impossible to build in their current facilities.

FL. State Rep. Steve Crisafulli
Rep, del Edo, de la Florida

The inevitable move it was done and new BETRAM facilities are getting ready now in the Space Coast in Merritt Island, in the Brevard County Fl. That’s why they had a “VIP Blast Tour & Lunch” opening for the press, workers and friends.

State Representative Steve Crisafulli, County Commissioner Chuck Nelson and Bob Whelen Chairman of the Board of the EDC (Economic Development Commission) where the officials who welcome all visitors and the BERTRAM executives;

Autorities y BERTRAM Excecutives
Autoridades y Ejecutivos de BERTRAM

but the one who always take the house down is BERTRAM’s President Alton Hendronwho is one of the most grounded bosses in the industry.

With great sense of humor and huge excitement, Alton Hendronexplained the move and announced the New Era of BERTRAM with larger production in quantity, quality and the care of the environmental measures they are taking to be ahead of any other brand, but most at all the fact that BETRAM will stay in the state it was born, Florida:

BERTRAM team of Professionals
Un equipo de Porfessionales

BERTRAM team of professionals
Un equipo de profesionales en BERTRAM

“In BETRAM Yacht we deeply value our 50 years of history and culture in the State of Florida and we are enthusiastic to remain in the State” he declare to the press and he got more than enthusiastic to announce the increasing labor platform from 125 employees that are working in the company to 221, 96 will be recruiting to cover the production expecting for the end of 2012.

Exclusive Interview with BERTRAM CEO
Entrevista Exclusiva

In exclusive and due the rumor that “Ferretti Group” which BERTRAM belongs to it, could be sell to Chinese prospects, Mr Hendron declare: There is nothing definitive yet, however the negotiations are more incline to the “investing” term that the ownership” he concludes
Alton Hendron, assures the quality and the manufacturing of the BERTRAM yacht won’t be influenced by any investors if that was the concern.

In the same subject CEO and Founder of Ferretti Group, Norberto Ferretti, not only endorse Mr. Herndon statement but clarify, that the Chinese deal is not a new kind of investment opportunity for the Asians in the Ferretti Group, but a “win-win” opportunity for all the parties involved as it has been with Brazil, where there is a Ferrettimanufacturer, operations facility and show room to attend the demand of their faithful costumers in that country.

Exclusive Interview with Founder of FERRETTI GROUP
Entrevista Exclusiva con el fundador del Grupo Ferretti

Therefore Mr. Ferretti afrim “If the negotiations with the Chinese get to a close deal, it will be just in the financial sector and won’t change the quality in the design of affect any other decision made in any of the brands of the group, neither the manufacturing process in USA, nor to affect the Historical BERTRAM brand…  Mr.Ferretti continues….If the Chinese demand for our products we will be open to build and work in their country to bring a product for their own consumption” he concludes.And with that the celebration for the new facility in their “Made in America” historic brand BERTRAM, continues  Mr.Ferretti clearly demonstrates the effectiveness of the leadership and the amazing Group reorganization that embrace 8 luxury motor-yachts production brands.


BERTRAM is so welcome in Merritt Island that the new address also has it name “1230 Bertram Way”, this iconic brand will start operating in this location next month, however the larger 37 acres facility is getting ready to be in full function for October 2012; using environmentally sound manufacturing practices including a low emission lamination process that incorporate infusion techniques to manufacture fiberglass parts.

Ejecutivos del Grupo FERRETTI Y BERTRAM

And promise to deliver their new models for the beginning of 2013… So BERTRAM the Legend still continues…

50 years in BERTRAM, Mr Hans Kux
50 años en BERTRAM, Sr. Hans Kux

BERTRAM’s the workforce and clients’ stories will be also a new chapter of this great NEW ERA.


Rosana Sandoval-G.
Journalist & Mass Media Consultant
facebook: Rosana Sandoval-Gallardo Muenchau.
twitter: @RosanaSGM.